Red White Blue Eagle

Red White Blue Eagle

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Red White Blue Eagle
Red White Blue Eagle

Red White Blue Eagle

DST file
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  • Description
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I forgot I even had this. The year was 2001, and I created the artwork and embroidery file for it right after 9/11. At the time, everybody was involved in doing something one way or another. Using this file to embroider clothing for sale on eBay was my contribution to the collecting of donations for the Red Cross back then. I did a lot of things with it, and then as time went on I forgot entirely that I still had the file.

Perhaps you have an event where you need a patriotic theme that you can embroider. If that’s the case, this file is for you! It’s offered in dst format only, and the overall size is 5.8″ high by 5.1″ wide, with 29,694 stitches. The download button below gets you a zip of the dst file, the color change list and an image of the sewout you see on this screen for later reference.

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