Girls Club – Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Girls Club - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Girls Club - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font
Girls Club - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Girls Club - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Who says everything has to be uniform?
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  • Description

I’m thinking I first saw Girls Club used in advertising for the movie Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and thought it was a terrific “girlie font”, competing handily with the other popular one named Curlz for versatility.

Having letters and numbers that are not only varying sizes, but in some cases nowhere near the baseline, gives it a carefree look that can be further tweaked by raising and lowering them extensively in your work, depending on the layout of the project. Just use the tool for kerning the letters, and hold down the Ctrl key as you do so, which will enable you to move them just about anywhere at all, if it suits you.

WARNING!    For Wilcom software ONLY, please do NOT buy an esa keyboard font if you aren't a Wilcom user. It will not run with software other than Wilcom. Keyboard fonts are specific to software type, and not at all like stock designs that will run on anything.