Geometric – Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Geometric - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Geometric - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font
Geometric - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Geometric - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Is Art Deco in again?
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  • Description

I went through a “modernized” phase where my attention was grabbed by fonts that don’t look like fonts. Sort of an Art Deco phase in a distant sort of way. This geometric font seems to be a relic of that time in my life, and could possibly be useful under the right circumstances. Even as a really different monogram might not be out of the question with this one. Let your imagination be your guide, right?

Perhaps useful for Wilcom users who run version 8 or above.

WARNING!    For Wilcom software ONLY, please do NOT buy an esa keyboard font if you aren't a Wilcom user. It will not run with software other than Wilcom. Keyboard fonts are specific to software type, and not at all like stock designs that will run on anything.