Buck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size

Buck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size

Buck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size
Buck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size

Buck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size

DST file
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  • Description

I digitized this for a customer who is an outfitter, even though our deer out here are mule deer, and this is a whitetail. (I think, but then what do I know?) Anyway, it came out good, and he was happy with it. If you're going to add text to this, and need it to be both above and below, you'll need to use a hoop larger than the usual 12" x 12". If it's only one row of text, then you might be able to skootch it in there.

8.15″wide by 9.66″ tall
36,327 stitches
14 color changes

The download is a zip file of the dst, and jpg files of the color sequence, since dst files have no built-in color information. I do not export other formats. The colors are referenced to the Isacord chart.

Please be sure your hoops are large enough to stitch this file as it is, because it cannot be split.