Sreda – Wilcom Keyboard Font

Sreda - Wilcom Keyboard Font

Sreda - Wilcom Keyboard Font
Sreda - Wilcom Keyboard Font
Sreda - Wilcom Keyboard Font
Sreda - Wilcom Keyboard Font
Sreda - Wilcom Keyboard Font
Sreda - Wilcom Keyboard Font

Sreda - Wilcom Keyboard Font

no way will the centers of these close up
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  • Description

Sometimes it's just not practical to use a tiny slab-serif font that has the serifs appended at a 90° angle. They're just too small. My Sreda keyboard has the serifs stitching in the same direction as the column satin to solve the problem. Sreda also has nice open spaces as well, so it won't close up at a teensy scale, because we all know how it goes when THAT happens.

I've posted an extra image of Sreda being used in an actual job, at a scale of .18" high, and at only 80% of the default width. Notice how legible it is, even when this small.

For Wilcom users running version 8 and above.

WARNING!    For Wilcom software ONLY, please do NOT buy an esa keyboard font if you aren't a Wilcom user. It will not run with software other than Wilcom. Keyboard fonts are specific to software type, and not at all like stock designs that will run on anything.