Small Caps Serif – Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Small Caps Serif - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Small Caps Serif - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font
Small Caps Serif - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

Small Caps Serif - Wilcom ESA Keyboard Font

so the big letters look like they are related to the small ones
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  • Description

Every now and then we have a need for a font like Times, but with upper case-style letters where the lower case usually are.  The problem with adjusting an existing font is that when you scale up a letter to serve as a cap (or scale down for the lower case) there's a differential on the weight between the two.  Either the large ones will look fatso, or the small ones will look scrawny.  It will simply look like two different sizes of the same font (which it actually is).

So, I decided to solve the problem, and make my own Wilcom keyboard, where I could just type and go.  NOW, the weights look like they were born to be together.

For Wilcom users running version 8 and above.

WARNING!    For Wilcom software ONLY, please do NOT buy an esa keyboard font if you aren't a Wilcom user. It will not run with software other than Wilcom. Keyboard fonts are specific to software type, and not at all like stock designs that will run on anything.