Rock Hauler Mining Truck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size

Rock Hauler Mining Truck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size

Rock Hauler Mining Truck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size
Rock Hauler Mining Truck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size

Rock Hauler Mining Truck Embroidery Design Jacket Back Size

DST file
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  • Description

The world had no rock hauler mining trucks for jacket backs until now. I have fixed it. What I know about these trucks is zilch, so I just picked a picture I liked and went for it. Hopefully, what I've chosen to do is suitable for your job. I tried.

Get ready to do some major stitching if you choose to use this one. It's going to run for a long, long time.

As with all my truck designs, I have added tread to the tires not only for the detail it provides, but also to combat the issue of trying to do black tires on a black jacket, causing the end result to look like the truck body is flying in the air, because there is no contrast between the black wheels and the black jacket. Plus, it just looks nicer. Stitch the tread in dark gray or gray/brown for realism.

9.88″wide by 5.92″ tall
87,063 stitches
21 color changes

This design is in a size that allows plenty of room in a regular jacket back hoop to add lettering above and below it. The download is a zip file of the dst, and jpg files of the color sequence, since dst files have no built-in color information. I do not export other formats. The colors are referenced to the Isacord chart.

Please be sure your hoops are large enough to stitch this file as it is, because it cannot be split.